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Holistic Wellness

Our minds, bodies and souls are intrinsically connected.  When one area is struggling you will find discontent in the other areas.  Symptoms increase the longer you ignore your body's attempts to communicate.  When you are feeling burnt out, exhausted, irritable and in pain, your body is trying to communicate that you need a change in your lifestyle to restore balance.


 It is essential that you address your needs in all of these areas if you are to find harmony and peace in your life.

Body / Mind / Soul


What does your body need to be optimally functional?



  • adequate food/nutrition

  • adequate water/hydration

  • exercise/movement

  • sleep and rest

  • breathing / relaxation 



What does your mind need to find contentment and happiness?


  • adequate stimulation

  • some challenge / stress

  • relaxation (being present, mindful, meditating, not always stressing about life or trying to work out problems)

  • being thankful / practicing gratitude


What does your soul need to feel loved, connected and purposeful?


  • social connection to family, friends and community

  • sense of meaning and purpose in work, family or larger world

  • belonging

  • love

  • faith

  • kindness and compassion

What Makes A Meaningful Life?

Components of a Meaningful Life


1. Purpose – having valued life goals that motivate your actions and guide your choices


2. Comprehension – being able to understand your life experiences and see them as part of a coherent whole


3. Mattering – feeling that your experience is valuable to others and has significance.

Baby, infant, family therapy, family counselling, all ages and stages of life
Joy, volunteering, purpose, meaning
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